Some bands get tagged “goth” for wearing lots of black, but Deftones are gothic for real–they practically rewrite Faustevery time there’s uncomfortable silence on the other end of the cell (“When Girls Telephone Boys”). “Minerva” and “Lucky You” climb out of the murk, only to cannonball back down with an admirable intensity. Best Deftones albums has gotten 71 views and has gathered 98 votes from 98 voters. Items on the Best Deftones albums top list are added by the community and ranked using our secret ranking sauce. They have sold over 10 million albums worldwide. There are no hooks here, only particularly pummeling downward spirals. Best Deftones albums is a public top list created by Listnerd on on April 7th 2014. Moreno howls conflicted litanies of frustration–“God bless you all,” he cries at one point “Something’s wrong with you!” he bellows later. Fans talk up singer Chino Moreno’s Smiths obsession, but Deftones doesn’t sound like The Queen Is Dead it sounds like someone listening to The Queen Is Dead while cutting himself with a paper clip. In 2008, while Deftones were working on an album tentatively titled Eros, Cheng was involved in a traffic. While critically acclaimed, the album’s production was marred by creative tensions and personal issues within the band, some of which influenced its material. The band’s monolithic White Pony (2000) hammered out a new template for sensitive skronk, paving the way for emo-metal hybridizers like the Used.On their fourth album, Deftones are sad as hell, and they’re not gonna take it anymore this is less an 11-song album than a single long-form mope. Deftones' fifth studio effort, Saturday Night Wrist, was released in 2006. Which means it’s a fine time for the return of Northern California’s Deftones, a seriously moody quintet whose fanbase overlaps equally with those of Korn, Weezer, and the Cure. They can cry if they want to–it’s their party. At this point, it’s undoubtedly pretty good to be Good Charlotte. Deftones albums, in (almost) chronological order Adrenaline (1995) Deftones first studio album. Like the two previous albums it was produced by Terry. Help out Motor Kitty Rescue! Adopt a cat, volunteer your time and buy some cool swag.Most pop-punk bands sing about feeling bad, but sometimes it’s hard to tell if they mean it. On June 20, 2000, the band released their third studio album, White Pony. Like the show? Give The Roach Koach Podcast a rating and review on iTunes, it helps a lot! Questions about the show? Have album recommendations? Just want to say hi? We’d love to hear from you! Contact the show on Twitter, Roach Koach on Facebook or send an email to RoachKoachPodcast at Gmail.
Topics include: How do you pronounce Chimaira? Who’s Tweeting? “Matt was classic”, Jenny’s skateboard past, Deftones concert report, The Comedown, early and often pit activation, “Find your own pit”, Jenny loves a “Get away!” song, Matt’s halloween costume, Nickelback vs Slipknot, a drummer who hates chickens, empathy, our first jinx, “Inspired by Mudrock”, the great “Bodies” debate, the return of Prow-lar, the movie SPHERE, fatigue, a recounting of the film JADE, and of course a discussion on whether Chimaira deserve a place in the Nu-Metal Canon. The Roach Koach Podcast returns to the confines of the Indigo Basement this week as they bask in the afterglow of the live show while discussing Chimaira’s lone nu-metal offering, Pass Out of Existence. Questions about the show? Have album recommendations? Just want to say hi? We’d love to hear from you! Contact the show on Twitter, Roach Koach on Facebook, Roach Koach on Instagram, or send an email to RoachKoachPodcast at Gmail. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, let them know you’re a Roach Ryder for Life! Rate and review Roach Koach on iTunes! We’d appreciate it! Take a moment to like Roach Roach on Facebook. Discography: Adrenaline, Around the Fur, White Pony, Deftones, Saturday Night Wrist. Thank you so much for listening! Please take a moment to share Roach Koach on your social media. Topics discussed: Who’s Tweeting, Pulse Ultra feedback, a wrestling explainer, Ginger Snaps, pronouncing Mushroomhead album titles, respectful disagreements, a recommendation from Thom Hazaert, anatomy album art, a demonic boy into a smooth boy, Songmeanings dot com, wordy choruses, getting a whiff of butt, Bieler Bros, getting Alice In Chained, the Deftones vibe, breathy boys, the Christgau Challenge, and of course Canon Talk, where Lorin, Matt, and Jenny decide if Switched deserve entrance into the Nu-Metal Canon. 1, 2, 3, 4, fuck! That’s right, it’s time for Roach Koach to check out Switched and their debut album, Subject to Change.